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  • Writer's pictureRocco Paul

Government with Ransomware

Last week, most of my classmates were able to go to the business symposium to interview various people in various sectors to be able to communicate better with professionals. I was not able to attend this due to some visits for basketball, but what I was able to do instead of this was to start obtaining an interview on a extra basis with a Cadet at West Point that is actually studying cyber security at the Academy. I was given his name by one of my fathers friends while I was actually at West Point for a football game. Other than this, I was able to explore a document that was given to me by my mentor in which explore their ideas and how the government wants to expand the reach on protecting large companies with ransomware. In my personal opinion the accessibilities that they are giving these larger companies should be given to the general public since the ransom ware pose on the people is much less complex and the ones given on these large companies meaning that these amazing software‘s should be able to work super well for the normal person. This could be a point that I make into my original work.

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